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Solong Tattoo Ballpoint Cartridges Needles


The cartridge comes with a built-in ballpoint pen, specially designed for tattoo training purposes. Use our tattoo ballpoint pen tattoo cartridges with tattoo machine to create tattoo dot art designs on paper. It performs best in shading exercises, correct movement mastery, pressure management, and comprehending the connection between the number of points in a stroke, the device's pace, and the hand movement's tempo.
  • Come pre-filled with ink, more economical to practice and feel tattoo art.
  • Help to improve tattoo lining and shading skills
  • Perfect for tattoo apprentices, reducing the cost of tattoo learning.
  • Offer variety color choice, mixed 4 different colors or individual colors such as black, red, blue. Each box 20pcs cartridges.
  • Mix A: black, red, azure, orange, each color 5pcs
    Mix B: greenyellow, coffee, purple, blue, each color 5pcs

Solong Tattoo Ballpoint Cartridges Needles

The cartridge comes with a built-in ballpoint pen, specially designed for tattoo training purposes. Use our tattoo ballpoint pen tattoo cartridges with tattoo machine to create tattoo dot art designs on paper. It performs best in shading exercises, correct movement mastery, pressure management, and comprehending the connection between the number of points in a stroke, the device's pace, and the hand movement's tempo.


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